Equals absolute INSANITY!! We braved Indian Lake campground with our good friends the Grants (Matt roomed with Ryan at Wilmington college). They have a sweet 1 1/2 year old Bronson and a precious 7 week old Ella. We were all wondering what we were thinking when we decided to camp for 2 whole nights with all these kids, but overall it was a good time. We kept saying "It could be worse". Poor Catherine was sitting in her high chair on the ground and tumbled forward onto the gravel leaving her pretty face all cut up. Good thing Marina is a nurse and had the first aid kit on hand! And luckily, that was our only mishap (unless you count Matt, Maddie, Kalee and I taking a group shower at the shower house!)
Ella, 7 weeks and Catherine, 9 months |
Poppy surprised us with a visit! |
YaYa and Catherine at the lake |
Pretty much how C&C hung out the whole time |
Cat girl playing on the blanket--the only activity for 9 month olds at the campground! |
Kalee lounging by the water at our camping spot |
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