1 Mom of 4 (under 4) minding her p's (and q's)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Playdate with a Prego

This week we had Jill who is due just 1 day before me and her son Connor come to my parents house to swim. We couldn't resist taking a comparison 37 week belly picture. I tried to bet Jill a pack of diapers my babies would come before hers but she didn't take the deal since I have mine planned :)
I think my belly may be a little wider to accomodate C&C but Jill looks great despite the discomfort she is experiencing. I think I'm feeling better since I have an end date in sight and Jill has to wait for labor the old fashioned way :)

The kids played well together and we tried to get several pictures but Connor doesn't understand bribery yet like Maddie who will smile for a piece of candy. It was nice to enjoy our time with 3 kids who are semi-independent before we will have 6 combined in a few short weeks!

Kalee Anne- then and now

Kalee just turned 18 months on July 28th and I can't believe I found a picture of her wearing cowboy boots a year ago to match the picture of her in Uncle Timmy's boots. Looks like we have a Southern girl at heart!

I can't believe she's nearing two years old! She has already shown interest in sitting on the potty like her big sister, loves to play with her baby dolls and especially likes books.

Family fun weekend

Aunt Kiki and Aunt Kara came to visit for the weekend and the girls had a great time! We got to swim, eat pizza and go to Young's Dairy. I wish their Aunts and Uncle lived closer but it makes it that much more exciting when they come to visit!

I couldn't resist this cute picture of the girls and their Poppy who they are constantly hanging on as evidenced in the picture.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A day at the Pool

Our new Sunday routine (after church and China Cottage) is to swim at Ya Ya and Poppy's pool whether they are home or not :) These 90 degree days and two babies weighing on my back make the pool a nice place to relax after the weekend. Ya Ya and Poppy recently purchased Maddie purple water wings and she is now a pro at swimming by herself!

Kalee still likes mommy to hold her but loves to be thrown in the air and blow bubbles. We are certainly enjoying our summer!

Our first (sort of) haircuts!

Since our regular hairdresser Grandma Diane was out of town, I took the girls to Cookie Cutters in Centerville for their first haircut at a "salon". They got to pick which seat they sat in and what they watched on t.v. while being pampered with detangler and plastic barrettes. Afterwards, they each got a balloon and a lollipop...talk about a day at the spa! They both did great and I just love their poses after they were finished.

Playdates with old friends

My friend Libby from college was in town so we met up for a fun playdate at a Centerville park with our two girls. Libby's girls are Maeve, 2 years and Adele, 3 months. My girls both loved baby Adele and were very gentle with her. I was glad to see them comfortable around babies since we'll have 2 of our own in a few short weeks. I can only hope ours are as good as Adele was--not a cry the whole time! Maeve and Kalee bonded quickly over goldfish crackers and Maddie and Maeve took turns following each other on the playground equipment. It was so nice to spend the day with someone I went on college Spring Break with and now to share a day at the park with our girls. Our lives have definitely changed but I think for the better!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fourth of July

We had a very busy fourth of July weekend complete with celebrating our 4 year anniversary together.
We have been so blessed over our 4 years of marriage, bought a house, a mini van, switched jobs several times and will have 4 children in one short month. God is great!

We watched fireworks at Wright Patt's annual festival and Maddie especially loved the skydivers with American flags. It was colder than anyone would have imagined for late June and since I'm always hot, I dressed the girls in shorts and tank tops. We had to borrow jackets and wrap the girls up with blankets after the sune went down. The girls were more interested in the glow bracelets they had than the fireworks but we watched them from the parking lot so we were able to get out early.

Our new favorite park

On Wednesdays, Sally and I take the kids to a playland or usually the Y park close to my house, but we decided this summer to try out some new parks. We went to Orchardly park in Oakwood several weeks ago and keep going back. Maddie calls it the "new park" and the girls have so much fun playing in the gigantic sand box, fountains and new play equipment. There are benches around the sandbox under trees so I can stay in shade and watch my girls have fun. The park has become a regular routine! (I have also seen 2 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets at the park so hopefully we can make it back with all the kiddos)

32 weeks

This is a little late, but I've decided take pictures more frequently since I'm hoping to make it to 38 weeks but you never know when these little peas will make their debut. I'm so thankful to be feeling well besides my hands falling asleep at night, but that is easy to deal with. I'm going for a 2 hour ultrasound this week for the students of Kettering Medical College so I hope to have some 3D pictures to share!