1 Mom of 4 (under 4) minding her p's (and q's)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I like to Lose it Lose it!

     I've been doing a lot of "blog browsing" recently and am going to try and branch out with some fun posts instead of "here are my kids and here's what we did". I hope you'll hop along for the ride...
     Recently I stumbled upon a blog Mama Laughlin and was motivated by this working mother of two to do some lifestyle changes. I started being more mindful of what I was eating, made exercise regular and even picked up running! (don't worry, I still hate almost every minute of it). 20 pounds lighter, although I could technically claim 58 pounds lighter if we count my weight with my two bambinos last August full term

but they were worth every pound of it!

Now I'm thinking of running a half marathon in May! (uh oh, now that I said it in the blogosphere, I'm held accountable!!!) My favorite assistant that I discovered on my own was the app Lose it! which keeps track of your daily calories according to your current weight and weight loss goals. I use it only on my phone and it definitely keeps me accountable!
Also, I've stumbled upon some great fitness blogs which I read daily in addition to my Absolut friends (Jill, Sarah and Liz).
The Hungry Runner Girl is a daily visit, she loves food (like me) and loves to run (well, 1 out of 2 ain't bad) so it's fun to read her posts that she updates sometimes 2 and 3 times a day. She just had a baby, so there's some fun, multi-tasking mom stuff in there too!
Peanut Butter Fingers I found through Pinterest and she's a great inspiration. She shows pictures of what she eats every day and has lots of different workout ideas.
J's Everyday fashion has some great outfit ideas by mixing TJ Maxx finds with Tar-jay bargains. It's a great site for me to reference when I feel like I'm reading too much Mom stuff :)
3 little men and a Mommy is a blogger with twin boys and another boy, I can't imagine all boys but she has some great insight on family, faith and love. She recently had an inspiring guest post here about the sacrifice and dedication it takes to be a Mom of little ones. It really hit home for me and is a great read for all Moms out there, regardless of the age of your children.

Thanks for sticking with me through my first "different" blog post and here's to hopefully more to come!